
ECS Tuning

Coded the entire front-end for their design overhaul using Bootstrap and jQuery. I suggested Vue as the front-end framework, but they wanted to stick with an older technology so other front-end developers could work cooperatively on the project and not many others were comfortable in Vue. This was integrated into Endeca and utilized Perl on the back-end. Currently, their live website only features the new header and footer that I worked on and the inner content body is their old legacy code which was completed before I contracted with them.

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Jan 20, 2018
Header & Footer Recode

Developed their new header & footer in Bootstrap for a more modern cleaner look.

The entire website was supposed to be recoded in Bootstrap and enhanced more when it comes to the look and feel, but during my contract only the header and footer were deployed so both those elements were scoped to Bootstrap components.
ECS Tuning - HeaderECS Tuning - Footer
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