
JLG OLE & ClearSky

Received mockups in PDF format to convert to front-end markup. In my personal opinion, I feel the designs could have excelled more in modern design, but my role was the UX Developer. Completed this in Angular and it utilizes the material design framework for styling. This is a pure single page application that retrieves its data via API requests and payloads from Endeca ExM (CMS).

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Jun 20, 2023
Custom Angular CMS

Developed an Angular front-end that hooks into a Java-based CMS on the back-end.

This was a fun challenge when I first got hired on at JLG as a contractor initially through Cirrus10 (now known as LucidWorks). My goal as a UX developer was to get JSON feeds of payloads made up of cartridges (think blocks in WordPress) and show the payload in the Angular application. Each cartridge is it's own Angular component which is then injected into the template using their Component Factory Resolver.
OLE Homepage
JLG OLE - ClearSky
ClearSky Portal

Dashboard developed for engineers to manage their fleet.

As a tech-lead developer, I developed an Angular module for their ClearSky fleet product. In this module, end users can manage their fleet of machines and focus on their daily tasks and what needs attention for the day (if batteries are low, fuel levels are low, dtc alerts are active, etc.). The dashboard is made up of multiple widgets which utilizes the Highcharts charting library to display asthetically pleasing charts so the user can easily digest the data reporting from the machines.
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